Sitemap - 2010 - Powers for the People

Pat Robertson decries 'criminalization' of pot and mandatory sentencing

Step 1 to fixing Arizona’s economy: Revise the tax code

Senators who fought against 9/11 first responders' healthcare can’t use 9/11 in stump speeches

Is public education 'mission critical' to national defense?

7-0: Mayor and Council sell out to sign industry on scenic route vote

Should Tucson's scenic routes be cluttered with signs? Come to today's City Council meeting

'Scrooge of the Year' Award: Brewer coasts to easy victory

Olbermann raises funds for Arizonans sentenced to death by Brewercare (video)

Medical marijuana: City of Mesa clears way for new 'Mormon Trail'

County considers $40 million in corporate welfare for Raytheon

Is the US on the verge of class warfare?

Pearce and cronies to attack 14th Amendment before Arizona's budgetary woes

House Un-American Activities Committee: Will the new House revive 'McCarthyism'?

What is the future of the Democratic Party in Arizona: Voice your opinion at Drinking Liberally

Does somebody need to have their credit cards cut up? Congress, I'm looking at you (video)

Marketing medical marijuana? A new 'U' can help you

Medical marijuana: Arizona Bar Association clarifies stance on legal representation

Medical marijuana: Is Arizona a 'nanny state' or a 'free market' state?

Scrooge of the Year: Jobs with Justice group to roast local bosses (video)

Despite public opinion, Republicans fight for the Limbaugh-Beck-Palin Tax Relief Plan (video)

Medical marijuana: Is the Arizona Bar Association obstructing justice?

Extension of tax cuts: To be or not to be? (video)

Flip-flopper McCain shows his homophobia and his age on DADT

Decisions, decisions: Save lives or cut taxes? Brewer chooses tax cuts

Imagine Greater Tucson: Midtown 'Community Conversation' Reveals Consensus

AZ Senators playing games and promoting international conflicts

We've forgotten the true meaning of 'Black Friday'

Paulo Freire: Huppenthal/Horne's worst nightmare

'The Warning': Before the 2008 crash, one valiant regulator fought for sanity

How to eliminate the US budget deficit in a few easy steps

Pot smokers 'edgy': Prop 203 still undecided

'Macy's CEO makes local push for holidays' NOT

How many times will Humberto Lopez offer his aging hotel to the city?

Arizona's 2010 election: Counties still counting...

Republican voters: The job cuts and smaller guv'ment you voted for are coming...soon

350,000 AZ votes uncounted: It's not over 'til it's over

A 'Descent into Madness'? You be the judge

Pearce elected President of AZ Senate

La Brewja's next term: More lawsuits, more debt, more poverty, more job cuts, less education

Tucson Progressive candidate and proposition endorsements for Election Day

Voter fraud on the right revealed

Parents & grandparents: Will you vote for children (Kotterman) or right-wing ideology (Huppenthal) on Nov 2?

Dirty tricks by Radical Ruth

Has the Tea Party gone off the deep end? If it has, McClung and Kelly jumped with them

Tucsonans and City Council say 'no' to risky hotel project

Has the Tea Party gone off the deep end?

Salvador sings 'Teritoria' (video)

No Hate Zone established

Goddard for Guv events this week

It’s your turn to speak out: Convention hotel & medical marijuana zoning on City Council agenda

Jesse Kelly's worst nightmare: Old hippies, brown people and college students who vote

Is democracy for sale? Billionaires for Bush are buying Congress

Giffords sponsors HoCo concert for Dem volunteers

Goddard holds pre-game event at The Shanty– today

Connect the dots: Local big businesses are working on a multi-level coup

Move your money-- before the mega-banks steal it

My Mom was an anchor baby

'Voting on Health' Candidate Forum to be held Wednesday at UA College of Public Health

Mayor Walkup says, ‘No sunshine here’

Desperately seeking ‘Republican Majority Campaign’, signed RM

The sequel: Will the real Ruth McClung please stand up? (part 2)

Kozachik throws down the gauntlet: Will the hotel’s fate be decided in the sunshine or behind closed doors?

Dump the downtown hotel? Dump Walkup? Or dump both?

McClung drops out of next debate with Grijalva

Will the real Ruth McClung please stand up?

CD7 debate: Fiery ideology vs ideas and facts

Ruth McClung: Brought to you by the Republican Party Machine

Cycling for Goddard: Festive atmosphere + outdoor exercise

Cycling for Goddard-- tonight

‘A bumper crop of psycho-talkers’

Alcohol and marijuana: The xenophobic origins of prohibition

LaWall continues campaign against medical marijuana

Come to 'Drinking Liberally' for a lively discussion of 2010 ballot propositions

Who is Connie Sanchez?

Goddard ‘works it’ in Tucson

This is called 'not knowing what you are voting for'

Tucsonans can join the Rally to Restore Sanity or the March to Keep Fear Alive-- without leaving the Old Pueblo

Big money could bring the end of life as we know it

Where's the diversity?

Re: ‘eating their young’? Oh, well…

Will the Democrats 'eat their young' tonight?

Prop 401: The most polite forum… ever

US corporations post 'near-historic' profits, as poverty and joblessness increase: Now what?

Budget cuts: Arizona Legislature has it's meat cleavers and chainsaws ready

Cycling for Goddard-- tomorrow!

And why would we re-elect these incompetents?

SALC distributes deceptive pro-Prop 401 mailer

Neighborhood groups hold community forums on Props 400-401

Are Congressional Republicans myopic? Or just really bad at math?

Giffords stands with the middle class and fiscal responsibility

The ramifications of wealth disparity: Robert Reich gets it

Tucson's downtown hotel: City Council tosses the hot potato back (Part 4)

We want those 8 million jobs back

Tucson's downtown hotel: Historical context of a complicated project (Part 3)

Tucson's downtown hotel: Who's on first? Rio Nuevo Board passes hotel back to M&C (Part 2)

Tucson's downtown hotel: To be or not to be? (Part 1)

Greg Krino: One scary guy

Is this the end of communism? Or the end of capitalism?

It ain't over 'til it's over: the Goddard 'Surge' vs the robocalls

LaWall uses scare tactics and half-truths to campaign against medical marijuana

Marijuana, the City Council, Goddard and aliens-- events abound this week

If Obama isn't a US citizen, then neither is McCain

John McCain and Jon Kyl, who are you representing? Cuz, it ain't us

Have Arizonans finally realized that the wing-nuts in the Legislature are just nuts?

The vision thing: I vote for Hurricane Hazel for mayor (video)

What's up with Chase Bank's website?

Props 400-401 townhall today

An Congress-- Not?

The Migrant Trail: Walk a mile in their shoes

Republicans and 'illegal' immigrants: Since when has breaking the law been a problem for Republicans?

Tucson City Charter: ‘It’s old, so let’s get rid of it.’

Buzz words abound at Prop 401 kick off

Save the middle class: Big Ed wants you to march on DC

I got scared yesterday but Keith and Gabby helped me through it

What can we learn from the gay rights struggle of the 1970s? Don't give up the fight!

Harvard vs GED: Don't forget the Goddard-Brewer debate tonight!

Who writes Tucson's real estate development contracts? Cuz I don't think they know what they are doing (Part 2)

Cartel wars come to Arizona

I was going to write this, but Arianna Huffington beat me to it

Who writes Tucson's real estate development contracts? Cuz I don't think they know what they are doing (Part 1)

I love Paul Krugman

Vote today!

Why SB1070? Because Brewer and Pearce Are Beholdin’ to Private Prisons

More than 1000 Signs Removed from Tucson Streets

>Political signs coming down in midtown Tucson

Should the RTA take over SunTran? I vote “no”

Arpaio on a hit list? So, what else is new?

We are all workers

Immigration reform: the rest of the story, part 2

Immigration reform: the rest of the story

Sky Bar out of touch with clientele on SB1070

53,000 a day: Brother can you spare a dime?

Council sends sales tax and charter changes to Nov ballot

>7/7: A day of decisions for the Tucson City Council

Brewer, beheadings, and those pesky facts

>Send 3-year-olds to school? The French do...

Community residents want more time, more inclusiveness in charter change process

Senate Republicans block extension of unemployment benefits… again

July 1, 2010: The first day of the rest of your life

SALC: Show us the money

>Man-up, Rodney!

>Is the Tucson City Council about to be ‘swift-boated’?

City to hold public hearings on charter changes

We're #5 but it's nothing to cheer about

Progressive bloggers fill local news void

Should the most powerful person in Tucson government be an unelected bureaucrat?

Tucson lacks "the vision thing" but proposed charter changes won’t remedy the problem

Should the US raise the age of retirement?

Who needs swimming pools when it's only 108?

Arts Advocacy Day of Action: Tucson can be 'arts friendly' and 'business friendly'

Tucson May Day March draws 1000s supporting human rights

May Day March gains new momentum after passage of SB1070

Show us the money: can bribes… er, incentives… combat calls for Arizona boycott?

Brewer steps into the eye of the hurricane and comes to Tucson

SB1070 becomes law in 3 months-- maybe

Governor expected to sign SB1070, as statewide rallies and walkouts continue

Anti-immigrant legislation sparks protests and rallies in Phoenix and Tucson

Arizona: the edge of civilization

>Headless woman bound for love

Cesar Chavez March and Memorial Activities this Week

The Water Project: Celebrate and Educate!

Dueling Press Releases: Congressional Dems Defend Vote, Blast Brewer's Cold-hearted Budget Cuts

Passage of Healthcare Reform Brings Threats and Jubiliation

Healthcare Reform Anyone?

Birthing a Big Baby-- the Final Push

Is Arizona the Jamaica of the USA?

Honk if You Can Read!

Nourish Your Little Piece of the Desert with Rainwater Harvesting

Old Hippies abound at the Tucson Peace Fair

Healthcare Summit: The Party of No Keeps Saying 'NO'

Tea Partiers: Show Us the Money

Disgusted? It's Time to Organize

Democrats rally the faithful for 2010 elections

Campaign Financing: First Amendment Used to Change Laws in US and in Arizona

Tucson March Honors Martin Luther King Jr.

Move Your Money, Pay Cash and Buy Local

Same-Sex Marriage Is 'Business-Friendly'

Jan Brewer: Cut the Ideology and Start Governing

New Year's Resolution: Do More with Less

I.O.U.S.A.: a Case for Fiscally Responsible Government