Apr 21Liked by Pamela Powers

Pam, I appreciate and support your vision for the homeless "big solar panel ramadas to give them shade and place to plug their phones. The ramada with the solar panels would run [power] a building that would have laundry, toilets, showers."

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A project like this could be funded through the housing trust fund.

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Apr 23Liked by Pamela Powers

Pam, Great post! I thought Tim Steller's article in the AZ Star on the dismantlement of the makeshift homeless shelters at "100 acres" yesterday struck the right tone for me. Your article today takes us forward to solutions, which are mandatory! When I read the growing calls for help in Next Door from people teetering on the edge of homelessness or who already are leading that precarious lifestyle on the streets, I know I am witnessing a crisis that is in full flower with no apparent plan by local government to intervene, as one would expect, if not solve. As society, we are only as strong as our weakest members. Being kind, helping those going through crises and securing affordable housing for people gives them a fighting chance. I like your attitude and hope that you will be instrumentally involved in effecting the improvements needed. If you are selected to assume Steve K's position to represent Ward 3 on the City Council, you will have a bigger megaphone.

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