Sitemap - 2023 - Powers for the People

Self Care in 2024: Start a Bullet Journal (video)

Power & Control: The Authoritarians’ War on Women (video)

Desktop Video Updates Are Back!

Today's Shorts: Who Wins the AI Battle? Big Tech Investors or Humanity?

Today's Shorts: Let's Talk about Sex ...

Today's Shorts: Christian Nationalism, VanLife Gone Wrong & Halloween Costumes

Today's Shorts: Term Limits, Remembering John & Javalinas in Sedona

Today's Shorts: Republican Disarray, 'Go Big or Go Home' & Calling on the Ancestors

Today's Shorts: Coming Out, Losing Weight & Loaded Fries

Don't Buy Plastic & 62 Other Planet-Saving Tips

Drive-Throughs: Environmental & Architectural Monstrosities

Lessons from the Nixon Era: Where Were You in 1972?

Marketing to Corporate Transplants Focuses on Gleaming Buildings & Making Money

Local Marketing to Transplants Focuses on Lifestyle & Living on Less

'Arizona Is the North Star.' Seriously? (video)

Maps Show Southern Arizona Business Incentive Districts But Not the Money

Arizona's Libertarian Roots: 1950s Virginia School Segregation Movement (video)

Barbie Smashes the Patriarchy, as Women Laugh Out Loud (video)

Republican Anti-Abortion Push Treats Women Soldiers Like Second Class Citizens (video)

Flat Tax Losses + School Voucher $$$$!! = Looming Budget Meltdown. Thanks, Toma! (video)

'Where We Are Politically Right Now' (video)

To Win Big, We All Have to Vote (video)

Bernie's Legacy: Sometimes When You Lose, You Win (video)

Will Artificial Intelligence Replace Writers & Editors?

Are Road-Tripping Women VanLifers the Second Wave of #MeToo?

Biblegate: What Would Jesus Do? (Video)

Worker Dissatisfaction + Corporate Greed = the Rebirth of Unions (video)

'Tamale Bill' Isn't about Tamales (video)

Welcome to Powers for the People on Substack

I’m Back (video)