Sitemap - 2022 - Powers for the People

10 Props in 14 Minutes: What You Need to Know About Arizona’s Ballot Propositions (video)

Arizona’s 10 Ballot Propositions: The Good, the Bad & the Ugly (video)

National Infrastructure Bank Would Rebuild US, Create Jobs & Restore Global Competitiveness

Blog for Arizona's Bryan, Bodine, Gordon & PPH Breakdown AZ Primary Races

Unintended Consequences Will Follow Loss of Abortion Care in Arizona (video)

Podcast: JUNE 24, 2022 ... SCOTUS Ends Abortion Rights in Arizona (video)

Podcast: Leaked SCOTUS Opinion Sparks Pro-Choice 'Bans Off Our Bodies' Protests (video)

Podcast: As Gun Violence Rocks US, March for Our Lives Calls for Action (video)

Arizona Reacts to End of Abortion Rights (video)

Stop Abortion Bans Rally, May 14, 2022 (video)

Abortion Care Severely Limited in Arizona if SCOTUS Strikes Down Roe v Wade (video)

March for Our Lives Calls Out Lawmakers at Press Conference (video)

When Will the US Take Meaningful Steps to End Gun Violence (video)

Podcast: Back Story on the Budget

House Hears Seven Election Bills … Budget Remains Stalled (video)

Divided Republican Party Delays Budget & Drags Session Out (video)

Republicans Propose Austerity Budget. Why? (video)

Grover Norquist Tax Pledge Is Unrealistic in Tax Giveaway State (video)

What Did the Arizona Legislature Do in the First 100 Days of 2022? (video)

Podcast: Culture Wars at #AZLeg with Abortion Ban, School Vouchers & Camps for Homeless

Podcast: 'PC Bill' Drama, Wasting Time, & Anti-Worker Bills

Podcast: Bullying, Housing, Voter Suppression, the Border Wall & More

What’s the Controversy over HB2839 & Election of PCs? (video)

Republicans Propose $900 Million for Border Wall & More (video)

Podcast: COVID Vaccine Bans, School Vouchers Critical Race Theory & More

To Fix Housing Crisis: Focus on Ending Preemption & Keeping People Housed (video)

Podcast: Marijuana Regulations to Cheaper Guns & More

Republicans Push 100 Bills to Discourage Voting & Sow Chaos (video)

Bullying in the Arizona House Is Unprofessional (video)

Republicans Push to Expand School Vouchers … Again (video)

More Guns in Schools & on Campuses Won’t Make Us Safer (video)

CRT Takes Center Stage in #AZLeg African American Protocol Day (video)

Arizona House Raises Education Spending Limit (video)

I Am the Most Independent Voting Democrat in the #AZHouse: Here’s Why (video)

Republican Bill Blocks COVID Vaccines from K-12 Vaccine List (video)

Specialty License Plates: the Ultimate in Picking Winners & Losers (video)

The Story of the Underground Railroad & the Oberlin Rescuers (video)

Black History Month in #AZLeg Starts with Anti-Abortion Manifesto (video)

Does Arizona Really Need Cheaper Guns? (video)

There’s Progress in Maternal & Child Health … But We’re Not Done (video)

Should Marijuana Be Regulated like Other Recreational Drugs? (video)

Podcast: Session 2 of 55th Arizona Legislature Begins with COVID Super Spreader

Podcast: Tucson Vigil for Democracy Remembers January 6, 2021 (video)

Group Prenatal Care Would Benefit Moms & Babies (video)

Dirty Money Hates Clean Elections (video)

My Focus Is Food & Housing Security (video)

Stay Safe! #AZ Legislators, Staff & Lobbyists Test Positive for COVID (video)

Ducey Is Ignoring COVID Math (video)

#AZLeg Opening Day Super Spreader Event (video)