Sitemap - 2011 - Powers for the People

Jobs with Justice, Occupy Tucson, unionists, and Tucsonans fight for local postal jobs (video)

Giffords, Rothschild, and D-M 50 promote Tucson and D-M as killing capitol (video)

Occupy Tucson: Food Drive and March for Postal Workers on Dec. 28

UPDATED: Occupy Tucson evicted peacefully from downtown (photos, video)

Are 'casinos' the 6th 'C' in Arizona's economic development plan?

Occupy Tucson offers counter proposal to city attorney's plea bargain (video)

Want to control dust storms? Go natural

Another Tucson Occupier taken into custody

Tucson Occupiers climb trees and avoid arrest

TPD arrests disabled Occupy Tucson protester

Tensions heat up at Occupy Tucson

Two more early morning arrests at Occupy Tucson

Police step up enforcement: DeCamp arrested at Occupy Tucson on Thanksgiving

Super Committee's failure adds to Congress' 9% approval rating (video)

'Thinkers of Tucson' offer job creation ideas

Money and power: Who is behind TREO?

Job Creation in Tucson: Building a Sustainable Future-- PDA meeting tonight

UPDATED: TPD evicts Occupy Tucson from Armory Park in the dead of night

Who is Tucson's progressive choice for mayor?

Occupy Tucson curfew citations continue as movement spreads to 3 parks

Notes from the Occupation: Camping and court dates

UPDATED: Tucson is 'suffocating the Occupation in the dead of night' and in the courts

Notes from the Occupation: Jon Justice, violence, and illegal sleeping

Tucson Progressive gets a ticket at Occupy Tucson (video)

Occupy Tucson family and friends campout tonight (Oct. 28)

Mitt Romney: President for the 1% (video)

Rick Grinnell: Mayor for Tucson's 1%

MoveOn and ACLU start online campaigns supporting Occupy Tucson

Notes from the Occupation: Tucson Mayor and Council meeting

Notes from the Occupation: Of Permits and Police

Notes from the Occupation: Green Tea

Mayor and Council to hold 'Occupation' discussions behind closed doors

Occupy Tucson's Craig Barber outs Mayor and Council on national TV

Who is occupying Tucson?

Freedom of assembly ENDANGERED in Tucson: Call Mayor & Council today (video)

Grijalva speaks out on 'Occupy' movement (video)

UPDATED: Occupy Tucson Day 1: Peace, justice, protest, and music (videos)

California medical marijuana crackdown: Is it Tom Horne's fault?

Glenn Beck calls on the feds to order Marines to end Occupy Wall Street (video)

Location, location, location: Occupy Tucson bogs down (video)

We are the 99%: 'Occupy' movement spreads to 560+ cities

Day of the Dead celebration idea: And now for something completely different

Border Patrol orders removal of shrine... again

Peaceful beginning to Occupy Tucson (video)

First Amendment upheld in Border Patrol video case (video)

UPDATED - Occupy Tucson: Be downtown on Saturday (video)

Lawmakers call for investigation of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas... finally

New Priorities Network asks: What are your priorities?

'Occupy Wall Street' protest continues: In case you haven't heard (video)

WMG rain water harvesting home tour on Saturday

Eliminating open enrollment: Is PCC opening or closing the doors of opportunity?

1964 to 2012: Perry, Bachmann, Romney, and Paul parrot Barry Goldwater (video)

'Under Arpaio' a 'must see'

'Under Arpaio' to air at Salt of the Earth Labor College on Saturday (video)

The Glow: Experience art by the full moon (video)

Spending Labor Day with Republicans: An educational experience for all

Captured: Border Patrol arrest video brings legal challenge (video)

'Hey, Jon Kyl, where are the jobs?' Kyl's staff huddles in office while protesters call out their boss (video)

Tired of the Trickle Down: Where Are the Jobs? (video)

Nurses, PDA, and MoveOn join forces: Tax Wall Street/Heal America Campaign (video)

Cut, cut, cut: A popular short-term, buzzword strategy but does it make long-term sense?

Congress: Where are the jobs? (video)

Mother Nature: Tear down this wall (video)

PDA Tucson: Fighting to protect Medicare and Social Security (video)

Tucson's 15.9% rental vacancy rate: Mini-dorms in a sick housing market

Poverty, Unemployment, Unions, the 'Beast' ... and You

On the 46th anniversary of Medicare, Republicans attack our 'Great Society'

MoveOn urges members to take debt ceiling battle to the streets and to Congressional Offices

Is swimming a sport now reserved for the wealthy?

Flor de Muertos: A 'must see' for All Souls Procession and Calexico aficionados

Giffords' deficit reduction town hall features right-wing talking points (video)

Historic Landmark Signs: Should Tucson preserve its neon heritage? (video)

Historic preservation: Is history becoming fashionable in Tucson?

Stop dozing our history: Tucson's historic homes create a 'sense of place' (video)

Let Kozachik spend his money in his Ward: I want my potholes fixed

AZ Republicans deny extension of unemployment benefits: Hold them accountable!

Save Tucson's Sign Code: Will tinkering bring back the ugliest street in US?

Is road rage in your future? Yes, thanks to the RTA

On disciplinegate: Did the Arizona Daily Star get it right?

Will the Tequila Party succeed in building Latino political power?

Thomas Jefferson says: Stop the 'War on Dancing' (video)

Try your hand at drawing Arizona's new Congressional and Legislative Districts

Contemplating Tucson: Kozachik releases city's Strategic Work Plan

Vermont: Single payer health insurance coming to a snowbank near you

How to reform education: The answer song

AZ Elections Director 'goofs' and derails Pearce recall effort

So far, MAS supporters have not accepted Pedicone's olive branch. Now what?

Pedicone extends an olive branch. Will it be accepted?

Interesting reading: Healthcare reform to toll roads to wing-nuts

Channeling Raul...

Former Mexican American Studies teacher and whistle blower John Ward files defamation suit

In Mexican American Studies debate, Tucsonans need less spin and more truth

Who is the real enemy of Mexican American Studies? (Hint: It ain't me, babe.)

AZ Star chides MAS supporters and TUSD board

Is the Mexican American Studies fight killing the 'new civility'? (video)

AZ Legislature: The biggest reason why Medicaid should not be a block grant

Ethnic Studies debate: AZ Star takes a stand

More on the Ethnic Studies funding debate

Change is inevitable. Letting go is true freedom.

TUSD's plan to reorganize Ethnic Studies

Call or e-mail Governor Jan Brewer...NOW!

Gov. Brewer: Here are a few more bills you could veto... pretty please... with sugar on it

Would Paul Ryan's Medicare voucher plan increase the medical bankruptcy rate? It could happen.

Randy Parraz updates Progressive Dems on Pearce Recall (video)-- UPDATED

'The false debate on the debt'

US House to vote on People's Budget on April 15 (video)

You go, girl: Nancy draws line in the sand after women excluded from budget talks

America: Do you want the 'people's budget' or the military-industrial complex's budget?

The death of capitalism? Survey shows American citizens' support waning

How progressive is Tucson?

PDA's Phil Lopes to speak at Drinking Liberally

Arizona's Teapublican Budget: Government Against the People

As UA tuition increases, will mini-dorms become empty monuments to greed?

Connecting the dots on Ethnic Studies

'The High Price of Rigidity'

AZ flat tax dead... for now

'Sustainability Sunday' in Tucson: Cycling, solar-powered rock, and water harvesting (video)

Hundreds at Tucson march honor the legacy of Cesar Chavez (video)

200 Tucsonans march for peace (video)

Multiple local marches focus on equality, corporate greed, and unions

Sleepy air traffic controllers: Could it happen in Tucson? You betcha.

City Council unanimously votes 'business friendly'-- twice

Local businesses use 'me me me' squeaky wheel technique to pressure City Council

Tucson Sign Code: Big sign cheerleaders need effectiveness data (updated)

With millions of Americans unemployed: Why doesn't Congress care? (video)

March for Peace and Jobs: Saturday, March 19

Sam Webb: Capitalism and worldwide crises (video)

GOP: Early warning systems? Who needs 'em? (video)

Flat tax bill: Tax-averse Teapublicans propose raising taxes

Beer Wars: Free market only works when capitalists make profits. When profits are in peril, they want government help

New research on healthcare reform model shows Americans are still going bankrupt paying medical bills

Communist Party head braves Arizona: Sam Webb to speak in Tucson and Phoenix

Senator Scott Brown: Another Koch whore caught in the act (video)

UA College of Public Health holds 5th Annual Social Justice Forum

Teapublicans vote to create AZ Tea Party license plate and directly fund Tea Party

Religious leaders challenge politicians: What would Jesus cut?

Tired of Russell Pearce? Participate in the recall effort!

Tucson makes Time Magazine's list of 'Intelligent Cities'

MoveOn Wisconsin solidarity demonstrations in 66 cities, including Tucson and Phoenix (video)

AZ Death Panel Decision: 95 transplant patients, 90,000 babies, or 250,000 adults?

Protest Emperor Pearce's SB1611 and other racist Arizona laws Feb. 25

Steve Leal Show today: The assault on workers and unions by the corporate oligarchy and their pawns

Koch whore caught in telephone sting by blogger (video)

Dear, President Obama, please help us!

Koch Brothers and Wall Street buy governors, as well as Supreme Court Justices

Progressive Democrats of America: 300 Tucsonans ready to fight back

Press conference and demonstration against discriminatory AZ legislation, Feb. 22 in Phoenix (updated twice)

Care about educators like they care for your child: On Wisconsin! (video)

'Men in black dresses' have their way with women's heath: US House de-funds family planning (video)

Disgusted? It's time to organize: PDA meeting Feb. 21

US media covers Middle East protests, while ignoring pro-union Wisconsin protests-- until 30,000 showed up

AZ Legislators rubber stamp multi-million-dollar corporate welfare bill-- without reading it

Republicans declare war on women: So, what else is new?

Common Ground Tucson wants *you* to be involved in Tucson's future

Beyond the Solar Zone: Making Tucson the Solar Capitol of the US

Lefties, mark your calendars for several upcoming events

Arizona immigration bills: 'Temper tantrums' or actual policy?

Mad Max: Arizona's post-apocalyptic future or next year? (video)

White Panthers: The corporatists and cronies who run Arizona with Russell Pearce's help

Brewer says 'I'm the decider!' And she's ready to further diminish gun control laws (video)

Arizona Legislators should read the newspaper more often

Love/Hate Dupnik rallies (video)

United Steeleworkers' negotiator harassed and arrested in Mexico

Update on proposed 300% medical marijuana tax

Drug Cartel Empowerment Act: Arizona Legislature proposes 300% sales tax on medical marijuana

Since when do Utah right-wingers and FOX News get to tell Pima County what to do? (video)

Chris Hayes smackdown: GOP haunted by big spending, corporate favors (video)

Andrei Cherny's election to Arizona Democratic Party State Chair: The rest of the story (video)

Did Scalia and Thomas have a conflict of interest in the Citizens United campaign finance case? (video)

Goddard/Grijalva ask for delay: Should Democrats go ahead with reorganization vote on Saturday?

Update on Arizona Republican Party state chair race

What Tucson needs is a good tourist video (video)

Republican Party reorganization meeting: The other race for state party chair

Bruce Ash-- gag me

What happened to the War on Poverty? Is the US marching backward?

Remembering Sargent Shriver

The big question for 2011: How will Arizona balance its budget?

Why was Dr. King assassinated? He spoke of nonviolence and a ‘world revolution of values’ (video)

FOX News disses Tucson, Yaqui blessing, Obama, and UA students at memorial event (video)

Gabrielle Giffords Hunger Fund established at Community Food Bank

Together We Thrive: Can a torn nation heal itself? (video)

Today's Tucson City Council meeting and study session canceled

Only in America: Putting a positive spin on assassination (video)

Stop gun violence: How's that 'Constitutional Carry' Law workin' for ya now? (video)

UMC to provide update on Giffords' condition on Sunday morning

Giffords shooting rocks democrats at Pima County reorganization meeting (video)

Neighbors + Goodman + TPD + media attend candlelight vigil in Jefferson Park (video)

Mini-dorm controversy heats up on blogs and the JOLT: Take a video tour of mini-dorms in the Feldman Neighborhood (video)

The Developers' Hour on the JOLT: Mini-dorm building is community service

Can Republicans Really Cut $100 Billion from the US Budget?

Candlelight vigil: Save historic Tucson from the scourge of mini-dorms (video)

EU mad, US mum: Will European outrage over austerity measures spill over to US? (video)